In all the cities, all around the world,
in which God wishes to send us,
we shall go with the enthusiasm of young people.
We shall go with their will
of never surrender to evil,
of never thinking
that something is impossible
for those who completely donate themselves to God.
Young people, poor but indomitable,
with their hearts full of compassion,
are always ready to love,
risk, create, help.
Young people know how to be
teachers for those who feel lost,
and who the world considers lost,
to help them find God
and a new meaning to their lives.
It is through young people like these, and with them, that we wish
to show that the Earth belongs to God
and that we can live there like brothers and sisters.
Young people, as the fundamental resource
of our community,
can be salt and yeast,
and the discoverers of the news of the Spirit.
And they can announce those news to the world
that blurred the image of our Father.
They can achieve it through their commitment,
always keeping in their hearts
the joy of following Jesus,
source of truth and love.
With courage, our community
always tries to have a dialogue
with the sincere heart of young people,
because they are our mirror.
«Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”» (Isaiah 6, 8)