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Since 1978, “Nuovo Progetto”, also known as NP, has been Sermig monthly magazine.
It is thought for anyone who does not accept hunger, violence, war, terrorism, a greedy economy, denied rights, a culture bending young people, a godless society.
It is instead the right reading for anyone who wishes peace, dialogue, sharing, participation, reflection, building, and for young people who dream of a better world.
Since 1978, NP covers complex contemporary topics, not merely by photographing reality, but trying to read signs of changing times, sharing its own interpretation of them and looking for adequate answers.
In January 2008, NP completely renewed its look, keeping its language simple to contribute to dialogue between young and adults and allow everyone understand the reality we are living.
NP does not contain advertising because it is realised thanks to the free help of journalists, illustrators and photographers. We call it “sharing”: sharing God’s gift with others. And we all have something to share: material things, culture, time, professionalism, creativity, joy and sorrow. All these things are not just our own, but we share them with everyone else, near or far.
The subscription price covers part of the costs for paper, printing and postal delivery.
If you wish to receive more information, please write to our editorial office at:
During these years, here at Sermig, we have learned to believe in some “fantasies”: hope, saying the truth, pursuing justice, speak for the weaker, level excessive richness and misery and make freedom and equality coexist. But, are they really fantasies or actually values in which people do not want to believe anymore? We do believe in these values and we want to make them reality with the people and for the people. We have lived many diverse experiences, we met both famous and common people, and even the poorest among them. We witnessed the injustice they have to face and we want to fight against it.
Now, we would like to do this with the help of many other people.
Building through hope
Our most important fantasy is hope, and we want to spread it widely. We are living in a world in which there seems to be no more space for positivity.
The responsibility of this is also of the mass media, which spread pessimism, thus promoting hate, resentment and individualism.
We do not want to ignore reality, hide it or distort it. Respecting it is actually one of our fantasies.
We rather ask ourselves: is it possible that we are surrounded just by violence, scandals and thefts? Is it possible that there is nothing positive left?
Reality must be known in all its aspects, both those positive and negative.
In order to keep living, we should believe in life, reflourishing every day, and find positivity also in our time.
However, it is also necessary to be able to defend yourself, to be critical and not let anyone take advantage of you.
This is the service we want to provide through our magazine.
Searching for the reasons behind things.
We want to speak, discuss and search with you. Understand why and learn how to do things.
We believe that knowing the reasons why we are alive is as important as knowing how to live. For us, studying leaves and mosquitoes is as important as knowing how to fight against injustice or produce enough food to defeat hunger.
With our readers, we want to search for both simple and important reasons that help us live and understand events, that connect us and allow us discuss the spiritual destiny of men.
A collaborative magazine
The only way to personal growth is working together, and this is the reason why our magazine involves everyone.
We do not want to start a monologue in which our editorial staff teaches to naive readers how things go. Instead, we want to start a constructive and healthy dialogue with whoever has something to say, and they should say it freely.
This communication also has to be effective and open.
These are the reasons why our magazine articles are concise, essential and easy to understand. We ask the people who write for our magazine to be clear and linear, because truth needs to be understood. Difficult expressions usually are a way to make things less clear, to hide truth or the fact that it is not so well known.
Towards an alternative
Our magazine aims at spreading a new idea of humanity through dialogue and concrete actions.
We are tired of pre-established schemes and slogans of all political parties. We want to understand reality and be able to change it.
When we start a new search to create a new project, we want to involve everyone.
Our magazine aims at being a humble but brave tool in the hands of both young and elder, scholars and common people, believers and unbelievers, because everyone is involved in this great adventure of creating a new world.
Truth and love
The language of our magazine will always be clear, honest and even hard, when necessary, to report injustice, wherever it happens, without ever accepting compromises.
Our criticism, however, never aims at demolishing, but at building. It does not encourage marginalisation and division, but unity.
In order to be completely free, our magazine does not have sponsors. Another fantasy of ours.
It does not have owners, too. We look just for loyal and generous friends who share the same faith in men and hope for the future, write our magazine and spread it with the only reward of working for a good cause and the joy coming from a sincere friendship.
Our magazine NP is made of this.
And all our fantasies becoming reality primarily depends on you.
Ernesto Olivero
Editorial group:
Corrado Avagnina, Rosanna Tabasso, Claudio Maria Picco, Simone Bernardi, Elena Goisis, Guido Morganti, Annamaria Gobbato, Elena Canalis, Monica Canalis, Valentina Turinetto, Renato Bonomo, Mauro Palombo, Stefano Cavagnero, Marco Grossetti, Matteo Spicuglia.
Regular contributors:
Gian Mario Ricciardi, Aldo Maria Valli, Michelangelo Dotta, Loris Dadam, Andrea Gotico, Carlo Degiacomi, Flaminia Morandi, Mauro Tabasso, Gianni Giletti, Davide Bracco, Annalice Ranellucci, Simona Carrera, Carlo Nesti, Scuola Artigiani Restauratori.
SYNC STUDIO: Alberto Ramella, Paolo Siccardi. Agensir. Daniele Ballarin, Lorenzo Nacheli, Andrea Gotico, Simone Pagliarani, Maurizio Turinetto
Illustrations: Gian Piero Ferrari, Victor Stein, Serena Branducci.
Cartoons: Pierpaolo Rovero, Goth Moon,
Editing and layout: Sermig
Planning: Sermig
Printing: Alzani Group - Pinerolo (TURIN)
Telephone 0121 322657
Publisher: Ed. Esperienze - Fossano (CN)
Telephone 0172 646321
Ownership: Sermig Organisation
bank account: C/C bancario Banca Prossima
IBAN IT57 E033 5901 6001 0000 0000 689
61, Piazza Borgo Dora - 10152 Turin
Telephone 011 4368566, Fax 011/5215571
Email address: nuovoprogetto@sermig.org
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