We pray so many times
with the words Jesus taught us:
«Our Father…».
And when «our» enters our hearts,
we really discover brotherhood
among all men, sons of the same Father.
Sharing what we have,
our abilities,
our time and our every resource
with the suffering humanity
is the logical consequence to it.
We have always had
injustice, misery and underdevelopment
at heart.
To face those widespread problems,
we understood that
funds need to be invested
in work, education,
assistance and development,
instead of weapons, pornography,
the powerful media and exploitation.
This complete change
starts from us,
from sharing ourselves and our resources,
from spreading this new way of thinking
among whoever we manage to reach.
Thus, sharing also becomes
the way to support our projects.
Every single action in favour of the poor
is the result of our sharing
and that of many friends who support us.
But we use
just what we need to live,
always remembering that
those who do not have even what is necessary
curse those who have too much.
«And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven…”» (Matthew 6, 7-9).