Every day,
for our whole life,
we can try to change,
we can desire it
with all our souls
we can finally say to ourselves:
I am free.
I know rivalry no more,
against no-one and nothing.
I abandoned it.
I do not look people in their eyes
or at what they wear,
but I look at their heart.
There, I can find a treasure
that makes me richer
and goodness that elevates me.
cannot enter me.
I made myself free
of deadlines, money,
I made myself free of enemies.
I do not need them.
I found myself happy to serve,
happy to listen,
happy to learn.
Happy to belong to God,
happy that He found me,
happy to feel loved by Him.
I am simply a person.
A friend.
«Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.» (Matthew, 11, 29b).