The Books of Dialogue
Publish date 25-09-2023
Holy Land in the places of Jesus
A journey to the origins
by Paolo Pellegrino and Paolo Scquizzato
Effatà Editrice, 2022
The Holy Land is not a place, but an experience and this guide was not born on paper, but in the field. It is the result of dozens of trips by its authors: Paolo Scquizzato (known theologian and biblical guide in Palestine) and Paolo Pellegrino (organizer of cultural routes with Effatà Tour).
Each chapter contains short in-depth information on some particular aspect, such as the presence of the Franciscans in the Holy Land, the contemporary architecture of sacred buildings or clues to identify the holy places. Throughout the guide, some QR codes link to further information on the publisher's website. A clear and complete text, attentive to spiritual aspects, with news on the current affairs of the places visited. It offers a synthesis of geography, history, art, the Bible and spirituality.
The cry of revolt against war, poverty and indifference of the candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize
by Pedro Pablo Opeka
San Paolo Editions, 2022
For almost thirty years Father Pedro has been carrying out his personal fight against poverty in Madagascar through the Akamasoa association. Those who worked with him or crossed paths with him, knew his kindness, generosity, love for others, but also his volcanic character, his frankness, his holy anger. This book, co-written with Pierre Lunel, is a collection of reflections on the great themes of today. It is also a programmatic manifesto, an invitation to rebel against the injustices that take place on the skin of the least. The right to a dignified life, the fight against poverty, the need to provide education and a future to children, welcoming refugees, holy war and death, the decline of politics, the role of women, democracy.
Aurora Antonucci
NP Giugno Luglio 2023