Counter-Vaccines Vs Pro-Vaccines

Publish date 29-11-2021

by Andrea Gotico














One of the questions I have to answer most often in the last few days is: are you vaccinated? My answer is usually succinct: yes.

Often it is not enough and many enter the subject asking for explanations about it: have you been sick? Did it hurt? How many of your acquaintances have been sick? How many of your relatives have died? They are all in search of confirmation of their thesis. The Counter-Vaccines are often more convinced and aggressive than the Pro-Vaccines and are usually well supplied with news. They know of a guy whose brain exploded the next day, they know in detail about alternative miracle cures, but that for some reason they are kept under wraps because the drug companies have to sell their product ... Besides being quite angry, they are so convincing that they make you feel like your usual idiot being manipulated by superior minds.

Usually I don't have great documentation to justify my Yes, I just say that Maria Pia, my trusted doctor, told me: I do it. Alright then! If she does it, I do too, I tell myself. I'm a simple mind ... not trusting the doctor you trust makes me weird. My grandfather always told me: look at the face of those who always say no and then turn around and look at that of those who often say yes, then count to 10 and decide which face you want to look like when you grow up. Here, I think it's all a matter of direction to take and what kind of person we want to become. For the rest I know that we have to trust others!

NP Agosto Settembre 2021
Andrea Gotico

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