Omni One

Publish date 19-07-2023

by Stefano Ravizza

Often the development of videogames has given big boosts to technology, as happened, for example, with the development of ever more performing video cards.
With the advent of increasingly immersive video games and with viewers that actually take us out of reality, the risk of getting hurt or breaking the coffee table while killing a galactic monster is the order of the day. To solve the problem you can use Omni One a sort of 360° treadmill that occupies just 1.5 meters in diameter and weighs about 125 kg.
It can also be placed in a room that is not gigantic and, to use it, you must wear a sort of vest that helps you stay in balance and that precisely captures all your movements. The support surface follows what you see in the virtual world and can understand when you kneel or jump, a real "extra large" controller.
When not in use, it can be compacted just like treadmills for training at home. Who knows if it will help us to exercise more…

Stefano Ravizza
NP April 2023

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