Change Change Change

Publish date 15-11-2020

by Andrea Gotico

We Italians from an early age are raised and trained in the belief that we are ruled by inept, thieves and recommended. We always think that behind everything there is something shady, that if one does something he does it only for his own gain, above all we are on average convinced that if he ruled Mickey Mouse he would certainly do better than any existing politician. The decisions made make us more or less all disgust, or they sound crazy and we often wonder from which brilliant minds they were born.

We never like anything and every change on the horizon, expected for years for some, immediately generates the no and petitions front. Lives spent on change generate lives that will be spent to return to the way it was before. We are surrounded by complaints, and I throw it there, but it won't be that if Italy sucks a little and so why do we suck a little too? Or is it just someone else's fault on duty? I'm not exempt from complaints, but I'm personally very allergic to them, the words of my grandfather who always said: "Dear boy, if you want to ruin your life, start complaining, in a short time you will become a slave to yourself" . And he continued, "life by its very nature changes, whoever does not know how to adapt to change is already dead".

I don't know about you but personally I want to live!

Andrea Gotico

NP Ottobre 2020

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