Cumiana global village

In 1973, when the experience of Sermig had just started, Ernesto Olivero went to Piscina, a small town near Turin, to suggest a collaboration to a local parish. This shared path is still ongoing.
In addition to this, since 1994, also the Salesian place in Bivio di Cumiana has been the source of all the Sermig-related Re.Te. projects. There, a hundred volunteers organise events for the whole province of Turin, doing around 700 hours of voluntary work per month.

They meet different times per week, but on Saturdays people can assist and participate to a real moment of commitment, called SabatoGlobale (“Global Saturday”), the day of VillaggioGlobale (“Global Village”). And from that VillaggioGlobale, every year 400 tons of goods are sent to the poor around the world.

A list of the most important stages of VillaggioGlobale follows:

Sermig spread in the province of Turin, from Piscina;

A medicine selection centre was opened in Piscina;

Another selection centre was opened at the Salesian place in Bivio di Cumiana. It is now known as VillaggioGlobale;

Another new branch of Sermig was opened in Sangano;

In the province of Turin, Sermig supported many awareness-raising events on peace and global ethics: marches for peace, public meetings of prayer, projects on education to peace, and music events to promote young people living there;

A project for bee protection was launched. Since now, it has supported ten apiculture courses;

At Sermig place in Cumiana, Re.Te. activities started to provide technological solutions for development. Today, at VillaggioGlobale, a technology park is established and freely run by volunteers. Especially on Sundays, thousands of young people take part in Re.Te. activities;

Another new branch of Sermig was opened in Carmagnola;

The network “Mayors for the Arsenal of Peace” was established and Operazione Santo Stefano started to distribute to families in need the food surplus of large-scale production;

Wednesday Skype rosary was launched to connect places of prayer, some of which even abroad;
AgriTorino was also founded to create jobs and face the economic crisis, to restore dignity through manual work and find a new sense to life. Fair vegetable gardens were established in many towns in the province of Turin, and also a rabbit livestock. Three thousand glass jars were collected and sent to Romania to promote local production of preserves for the poor;

The Emporium of Hope was established to help small farmers sell their products by creating a contact network of producers and consumers;

Festa della Terra (“Earth Celebration”), created in 1981, was re-established and new activities related to it were presented. Also, former Pilotti Chapel near Volvera started to be used again as a basis for a horticulture and apiculture courses. In conclusion, a new project was launched to create new jobs through the recycling of second-hand appliances.

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