Our dream
We are aware that the world as it is does not correspond to the place God though for us. We witnessed many situations of social and economic disadvantage and poor living conditions.
Sometimes we witnessed a total lack of care, especially towards children.
Our first family community was born more than ten years ago. It is our desire of change and conversion, starting especially from within ourselves and our families, that inspired us to open our houses. The Arsenal of Hospitality wishes to become a brotherhood of families, always answering to whoever comes to its open door.
We deeply care about social solidarity and physical, cultural and spiritual support for each person, with particular attention to children, young people, families and to whoever finds themselves in a situation of social and economic disadvantage. We pursue this aim through mutual support, the sharing of our time, professionalism, culture and competences and of material and spiritual goods.
We constantly work for reaching children and the poor, to help each person to recognise their dignity and discover their talents, however modest, to always remember the absolute value of life and the importance of sharing, even in times of weakness and suffering.
Every day, we give many answers to the people who knock at our door, and we do this through our family communities, our day groups for children and students and our accommodations to promote the independence for young adults and families. We also support a project to host women victims of domestic violence.
In this critical historical period in which food poverty and the lack of a house and a job weigh on many families, feeding a vicious circle of struggle and lack of hope, we have created a centre for the collection, selection and distribution of clothes and food to whoever comes to us in need.
Our ambition is to become a place of hospitality and fulfilment of needs for everyone: from children and young people to adults and families.
If you wish to help us
The Arsenal is a house with its door open twenty-four hours a day, every day, and based on Providence. It works thanks to the constant support and help of volunteers and friends.
If you wish, you can donate a sum, corresponding to a full workday, or you can financially support one of our projects.
Bank account: C/c bancario Associazione Arsenale dell’Accoglienza
IT80 C 0832 46526 0000000420196
Come to know us
If you wish to...
Pray with us
- the “Arsenal Tuesdays”: at 8.30pm, meetings of silence and prayer with the Arsenal of Peace of Turin (also live streaming)
Help us
- by sharing your time and professionalism
- donating goods and other staples
- financially supporting one of our projects
Address: Via Curiel, 17 - 26812 Borghetto Lodigiano (LO) - ITALY
Telephone number: 0371 80927 - info@arsenaleaccoglienza.org