Marco and Paolo deacons
Publish date 19-01-2021
The last step towards the priesthood of Marco Vitale and Paolo Miotti del Sermig. Saturday 24 October, the ceremony in the Turin Cathedral.
My fraternity, day and night, day and night, day and night, year after year, first in Turin and then in Sao Paulo in Brazil, taught me to serve, to try to help others.
It helped me to learn about Jesus and his Gospel.
He accompanied me to discover the profound beauty of celibacy; to seek obedience.
He prayed every day, with me and for me.
The Eucharist nourished us, in every moment.
On Saturday, the rite of diaconal ordination allowed me to pronounce aloud, before the good Lord and Mother Church, my "yes, I want it", to each of these commitments.
I was able to say it only because it was supported and enveloped by the prayers of many.
For this I have a big thank you in my heart, and I can only repeat: "Deus é bom".
Marco Vitale
In the rite I perceived the strong bond between heaven and earth, the strength of the prayer of the whole Church of all times: the prayer of my friends and fraternity on earth and in heaven, the prayer of the saints of yesterday and today, of known ones and anonymous ones.
Even though I feel incapable, small, inadequate, in the rite I felt that the strength and love of God and of the Church are much greater than my smallness and fragility.
Paolo Miotti