Lockdown vs sport

Publish date 21-02-2021

by Carlo Nesti

The limitations of the Covid-19 era have targeted, in an extremely harmful way, the essential bases of motor activity. It seems a paradox, but that lockdown, indispensable for the protection of health, inevitably collides with a key requirement of health itself: the need to move.
Isolation, weight gain and hyperconnection are the consequences of forced sedentary lifestyle, to the detriment of young people as well as adults. All that is usually not recommended as a lifestyle, i.e. not walking, eating too much, and spending hours connected to devices.
The place where there is physical contact, and breathing becomes intense, in the hypothesis that an individual is a carrier of the virus or sick (remembering that there are also asymptomatic people), is more easily predisposed to contagion.
But if there was the foresight to avoid gatherings before and after physical activity, as in the locker room, the risk would be greatly reduced. In fact, for a certain period, soccer and the like were allowed, only to reverse, when the coronavirus curve began to rise.

The ideal would be to return to practices that are also part of the Christian culture in particular: play in oratories, as in courtyards, for example, will also be characterized by poor organization, but it guarantees an outlet the desire to move.
Unfortunately, this does not happen, and children, as early as 3 years old, are enrolled in courses, in sports clubs. Why? Because there is no space, and there is a sort of abuse of the adult world. The little ones generate noises, creating annoyance for a natural exuberance that, instead, should be cultivated.
The other aspect is safety: it has become dangerous to ride a bicycle. Or the parks themselves: there are those poorly attended and, on the other, those where children cannot jump on the grass. And then here is that the opportunities to carry out physical activity decrease, beyond the restrictions of the moment.

Carlo Nesti
NP December 2020

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