GMG Lisbon 2023

Publish date 07-10-2023

by Domenico Agasso

To the young people who arrived in Lisbon in the heart of summer for World Youth Day (WYD), Francis says that flashes of light of hope are needed. "But there's no need to put yourself in the spotlight." He encourages the very young not to fear not making it, also because the world needs them. On August 6 at Parque Tejo the Pope celebrates the Mass that closes the WYD. There are around one and a half million young people present.
The next WYD will be held in Seoul, South Korea, in 2027. The Pontiff announced it at the end of the function.
And young people from all over the world are also invited by Jorge Mario Bergoglio to Rome, where the "Youth Jubilee" will be celebrated in 2025.
In the Park there are seven hundred bishops and 10 thousand priests. According to what we understand, thirty cardinals would also be present at the celebration.

The Bishop of Rome speaks to girls and boys about the "light" that illuminates life: "Friends, we too need some flashes of light that are hope to face many darknesses that assail us in life, many daily defeats, to face them with the light of the resurrection of Jesus", he states in the homily. The light that "came to illuminate the world is Jesus. He is the light that never sets and shines even in the night." Pope Francis wants to highlight one aspect: «We do not become luminous when we put ourselves in the spotlight, when we exhibit a perfect image and feel strong and successful. We become luminous when, by welcoming Jesus, we learn to love like Him."
The Pontiff urges young people not to be afraid of their fragility and inadequacies: «To you, young people, who cultivate big dreams but often clouded by the fear of not seeing them come true; to you, young people, who sometimes think you can't make it, that you are not capable - there is a bit of pessimism - to you, young people, tempted in this time to become discouraged, to judge yourself inadequate or to hide the pain by masking it with a smile; to you, young people, who want to change the world, and it's okay that you want to change the world, and fight for justice and peace; to you, young people, who put effort and imagination into it but you feel like it's not enough; to you, young people, whom the Church and the world need like the land of rain; to you, young people, who are the present and the future; yes, precisely to you, young people, Jesus says: “Do not be afraid!”».

Then, at the Angelus, Bergoglio addresses a thought to the young people who «were unable to come» to WYD «due to conflicts and wars. There are many in the world. Thinking of this continent, I feel great pain for dear Ukraine, which continues to suffer greatly. Friends, allow me, an old man, to share with you young people a dream that I carry within me: it is the dream of peace, the dream of young people who pray for peace, live in peace and build a peaceful future. As you return home, please continue to pray for peace. You are a sign of peace to the world, a testimony to how nationalities, languages and histories can unite rather than divide. You are the hope of a different world."

Domenico Agasso
NP August / September 2023

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