Train your gaze

Publish date 08-07-2024

by Ale & Eva

A family is full of resources: the riches and weaknesses of each one are brought together and thus abilities are generated that go beyond the contribution of the individuals, not only is the sum obtained but new talents are discovered.
Despite this, there are situations in which an external eye, a trained gaze, adds a detached point of view to these resources. We move away together with those who lend us a new point of view from the situation that can cause us agitation or even suffering, and together we observe our reality with a less involved eye.
It is a precious time that we can give ourselves to give ourselves the chance to wait for each other and be amazed at some characteristic that we took for granted, but instead isn't, or together to discover a hidden talent that has never been explored. This moving away to move one's point of observation is anything but a quick and obvious path, one must be accompanied in this movement and it is necessary to have patience to understand that the times of the family are not the times of individuals: if one has to move in unison to explore ourselves together, we cannot rush to get there before others, indeed just thinking that there is a "first" becomes an obstacle.

Eva & Ale
NP May 2024

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