The human family

Publish date 31-08-2020

by Gianfranco Cattai

On the occasion of the Laudato Si 'celebration week, the forthcoming guide for communities and parishes on integral ecology was presented. Created by Focsiv in collaboration with the National Office for Social Problems and Labor of the CEI, Retinopera, the Global Catholic Movement for Climate (GCCM) and ASviS, the guide tells about social and environmental transformation practices collected from south to north Italy, to support social inclusion in caring for the environment.
These are stories of dioceses, priests, associations, territories and people who are creating different, strong and silent ways to create community, drawing inspiration and putting into practice the message of Laudato Si '.

In the introduction, Fr Bruno Bignami, director of the national office on social and labor problems of the Italian Episcopal Conference, writes that "this guide is not just a guide. It is also a passport that declares the identity of those who use it. It is a map that indicates where we are and where we want to go ».
Andrea Stocchiero, editor of the Guide, writes in the introduction to the reading that the heart of the Guide is the third chapter where the practices of integral, social and environmental ecology are collected, from the South to the North of Italy.

The 20 practices described clearly show an outgoing Church, witness and prophetic, the seed of experiences generating the common good. People matter: in all practices, lay people, especially young people, priests and border bishops, are lively, credible and reliable witnesses of love for their land, for people, a sign of God. The fourth chapter is dedicated to networks, which are necessary not only for leaps in scale but also and above all for the mobilization of different knowledge and skills.

Indeed, Pope Francis’s social encyclical has triggered irreversible processes, both cultural and lifestyle. One tool, among many, to be used in the context of the special Laudato Si 'year until May 24, 2021 that Pope Francis personally wanted to inaugurate at the Angelus on Sunday May 24, 2020.

Gianfranco Cattai
NP june - july 2020


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