Teacher and father

Publish date 25-09-2020

by Annamaria Gobbato

"I glance at my entire story, feeling its paradoxical truth more and more: it is like a fragile blade of grass that soon withers; at the same time, it is the place of an extraordinary vocation: that of being children of God ”, he wrote in his spiritual testament.

Renato Corti, bishop emeritus of Novara who passed away on 12 May last. Deep connoisseur of Antonio Rosmini and card. Newman whose episcopal motto "Cor ad cor loquitur" had taken up, the heart speaks to the heart, was a much loved pastor thanks to his kindness and great attention to people's problems.

«Our beloved Msgr. Renato Corti was a spiritual teacher, ”Bishop Franco Giulio Brambilla, his successor at the head of the diocese, said at the funeral. "I think with gratitude of the intense spiritual and pastoral ministry he lavished without sparing himself, indeed consuming himself for the Gospel", remarked Pope Francis' message.

Annamaria Gobbato
NP June / July 2020

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