
Publish date 27-08-2022

by Fabio Arduini

The narrative has been grabbed by marketing, and you find it for sale in the supermarket.
With the emotions evoked by sharing stories he convinces himself and sells himself more.
Perhaps even longer its meaning has been adulterated.
Possible definition of narration: a suitable tool to indulge the narrator's whims.
Then the use of the word in the plural is imposed, and here is that "narratives" perfectly communicates that vast, unfathomable field, within which any unraveling of facts that appear to be true and instead are designed for other purposes finds a den.
But despite the deterioration of its meaning and exploitation as a commercial practice, this word of ours is powerful and its mechanism still works.
Sure really well hidden, thanks to that g that has disappeared.
The word we find the opposite reveals it to us, almost ironically.
Ignorance could be defined as not being able to narrate, not having been listeners to that narrative there.
After all, narrating does not mean inventing, but finding a way to communicate something.
It means being actors of knowledge, passing it on to others who can put it into action.

Fabio Arduini
NP April 2022

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