A time without a clock, a time in which the other who approaches us is never a case or a problem.
by Rosanna Tabasso
"Time is of God," the Sermig Rule reminds us. It is an important reminder for all of us who want to learn to live the spirituality of the Presence: to continually remember the Presence of God in us and among us, to welcome His Word that gives us Jesus, God with us, to recover the certainty that God still walks. and always with his people, to restore meaning and sacredness to every action of our daily lives and to every human being, to learn to contemplate God in creation and in all that lives, to give time back to God.
Time, like life, is a gift from God, to be guarded and administered well, without being able to possess it or stop it. It flows quickly and is a succession of unique, unrepeatable, decisive moments. Yet, taken as we are from the organization of our life and from commitments, worried about the time that flies and tomorrow, we lose the meaning of time as a gift from God. We forget that even the normalcy of everyday life, the repetitiveness of gestures and actions contains a profound meaning.
Every moment we live with awareness, with attention, with care, as if it were the first and last of our lives has its value: it can be decisive, it can make us understand something fundamental, meet a person who will change his life or our life, saying a yes or a no important for the good of all. It is only a moment but it is a gift that passes from one to the other, from one life to another, a wonderful and uninterrupted passage of lifeblood, the passage of the Spirit through us, in the moments of our life. Trying to live the Presence of God makes us aware of the responsibility of not interrupting the passage of the Spirit and allowing him to operate always, everywhere. Thinking about giving time back to God makes us good servants of the Kingdom, careful not to waste even a minute.
Living the Presence of God protects us from wasting time to feed our selfishness, to detach ourselves from our vocation and to move away from our mission. You can always change your life if you have made a mistake, but you cannot make up for lost time, wasted or misused, it doesn't go back; is lost forever. It is important to train ourselves to remain focused on what is essential, to use the downtime of a day to pray, to direct our life to the Presence of God and make it a continuous praise, as the psalm suggests: "I will bless the Lord at all times" (Ps. 34.2).
In the monasteries the rhythm of time is marked by the moments of prayer of the liturgy of the hours, from the first light of dawn until evening, to prolong the gift of the Eucharist at any time, the great thanksgiving and impregnating God all the time of the day and night. Thanks to these places and to the people who choose to live there, in every hour of the day and night, in every corner of the earth, praise is given to God, Christ is brought back to the heart of the world, God's covenant of love is strengthened with man.
But giving time back to God is a commitment not only of the monasteries, we who live in the world are also called to use our time for the sanctification of the Kingdom of God. The celebration of the Eucharist will be the most important moment for those who can participate and the thanksgiving will continue in the liturgy of the hours. For all, then, the Holy Spirit will help us to invoke the Father in every free moment: travel by public transport, waiting, pauses between appointments ... Each minute will be nourished by a "mail" of the Rosary , from a verse of Sacred Scripture or from an invocation: "Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner", as the Russian Pilgrim teaches.
A challenge, of course, but to be faced "by living in the world without being of the world" to allow God to enter it. Humanity will also enter with him and the suffering cry of many who have no food, no home, no job, no health, are alone. That cry takes us back to the essentials of God's time: to share, welcome, listen, make room for the other. God's time is always the time to love.