Smart Working, how do I dress?

Publish date 17-02-2021

by Elisa D’Adamo

The institution of agile work was born as a tool for a better balance between work and private sphere (work-life balance) but today, due to Covid-19, it is for many the only way to work safely by reducing travel and therefore the virus run.Working from home, for those lucky enough to have a home and a job, means spending many hours at the computer, often in pajamas or overalls. Clearly talking about clothes and accessories at this moment leaves some time for it, however we can agree that maintaining a basic morning routine and wearing comfortable clothing is a panacea for the spirit.

Green light therefore to garments with soft and enveloping fabrics, warm wool sweaters and wide and comfortable trousers. In case of meetings or video calls on skype, teams, zoom, a blazer, a cardigan or a pashmina resting on the shoulders will come to our aid. Better to prefer light colors such as white and beige that illuminate the complexion but also colorful and floral patterns to counteract the sadness we sometimes fall prey to. A light make-up and a pair of earrings can make the difference, bringing us back to an almost normal context. This serious situation then leads us to a much deeper reflection, linked more to the quality of the garments than to their quantity and to ethical savings rather than to bulimic consumerism.

Elisa D'Adamo
NP December 2020

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