Seminar of light and light

Publish date 12-01-2024

by Domenico Agasso

There are too many suicides of young people, victims of "violence and afflicted by desperation". This is the cry launched by Pope Francis in the message to girls and boys for the XXXVIII World Youth Day, which was celebrated in the particular Churches on 26 November. Francis urges them to become "sowers of hope", even "on social media". And he gives as an example the film Life is Beautiful, directed and starring Roberto Benigni.
Last August "I met hundreds of thousands of your peers from all over the world - recalls the Pontiff - gathered in Lisbon for World Youth Day".

At the time of the pandemic, amidst so many uncertainties, we had nourished the hope that this great celebration of the encounter with Christ and with other young people could come true. This hope was realized and, for many of us present there – myself included – it went beyond all expectations! How beautiful our meeting in Lisbon was! A true experience of transfiguration, an explosion of light and joy!". At the end of the final mass «in the “Field of Grace”, I indicated the next stop on our intercontinental pilgrimage: Seoul, Korea, in 2027. But before then I made an appointment with you in Rome, in 2025, for the Youth Jubilee , where you too will be "pilgrims of hope". You young people, in fact, are the joyful hope of a Church and of a humanity always on the move." Jorge Mario Bergoglio would like to «take you by the hand and walk the path of hope together with you. I would like to speak with you about our joys and hopes, but also about the sadness and anguish of our hearts and of humanity that suffers."

The bishop of Rome invites young people to become "sowers of hope". He launches an appeal to them: «I urge you to choose a lifestyle based on hope. Let me give you an example: on social media it seems easier to share bad news than hopeful news. Therefore, I make you a concrete proposal: try to share a word of hope every day. Become sowers of hope in the lives of your friends and everyone around you." Sometimes «in the evening – he continues, entering into the language and habits of young people – you go out with your friends and, if it is dark, take your smartphone and turn on the torch to shed light.
In large concerts, thousands of you move these modern lights to the rhythm of the music, creating an evocative scene. At night the light makes us see things in a new way, and even in the darkness a dimension of beauty emerges. So it is with the light of hope that is Christ.
From him, from his resurrection, our life is illuminated. With him we see everything in a new light."

Domenico Agasso
NP December 2023

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