
Publish date 30-07-2020

by Valentina Turinetto

At the beginning of this time of isolation, many children expressed their hope with many colorful rainbows, hanging from the balconies and windows, in which they wrote: "Everything will be fine!". It was an easy way to help the little ones not get overwhelmed by our worries. Perhaps it was also a way to protect us adults, helping us not to give up, in the desire for a happy ending.

We will certainly reach the happy ending, but we know very well that the price to pay is very high: lives lost, economic damage, great emotional fragility… just to mention a few. But this price, if we look carefully, is also giving us many opportunities to live and observe experiences of good. It is important that we do not miss the possibility of seeing them, recognizing them and remembering them. I think of our family and the opportunities that have been created: the daily mass lived in connection with the Arsenal, teachers who invent creative solutions to make the children feel their closeness and their affection and propose activities to accompany them in this unexpected moment. , the daily appointment with a group of families to recite from a distance, but together, the rosary, the confidences of a growing child, brothers who help each other with their homework, closeness made up of dinners via Skype with friends.

Listening to stories, the gaze then widens. Yes, because this is a time when we try to strengthen bonds more, and it happens to find ourselves listening to more people. Thank you for their beauty! A friend says that thanks to the disease he managed to strengthen the relationship with his loved ones; a friend called to be on the front line to assist patients in critical situations, putting her health at risk and sacrificing a lot of her relationship with her family, does not hold back and gives her all. On the notice board of an apartment building you can see written: «Dear neighbor, if it's risky for you to go out, I would like to help you. I can help you in the coming weeks by running errands for you. If you need help, please leave a message by the door with your phone number. You are not alone!".

Then, opening the horizon even more, we are looking for good news in the newspapers of these times: a project to make vacant accommodation available to healthcare personnel, so that they do not have to jeopardize, in addition to their own health, that of their loved ones. Psychologists who put their professionalism at the service of operators who work in the most affected areas, especially when after a great job they spend a long time in isolation. Food donations to help families experiencing poverty due to job loss.

These stories suggest that there is a lot of good in the social fabric. Grasping all these moments of grace will be the best way not to waste this suspended time and not to fade the color of rainbows, especially those hidden in our hearts.

This situation is giving us many opportunities to live and observe experiences of good.

Maggio 2020


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