Past and present

Publish date 04-06-2023

by Chiara Genisio

Diary of a pandemic
The new book by Pietro Buffa tells how the prison administration has dealt with the spread of the virus inside the prison. Published by Editoriale Scientifica, it focuses in particular on the scenarios within the 18 prisons in Lombardy.
The diary took the form of a daily series of personal notes regarding the progress of the infection in the institutes, the problems, the questions that arose in the face of this health emergency. The news learned from the most diverse channels, official and media, but also personal reflections, outbursts and fears expressed, directly or indirectly, by colleagues and collaborators, comments on the regulations and directives received and issued, their objectives; in short, everything that aroused curiosity, attention, concern or relief over a period of time of over a year, from 22 February 2020 to 1 April 2021. All from a particular and privileged observatory which is the role played by Buffa as administrator of the prison administration of Lombardy.

From the Covid emergency to the war in Ukraine
A message of peace arrives from the prison of Alexandria. Concrete as only bread can be. The bread for peace. Within the walls of this penitentiary institute, eight inmates, regularly employed by the Pausa Caffè cooperative, bake bread and bread sticks every day. What makes their business unique is that the flour comes from Ukraine and the products they make are sold in Coop supermarkets. Thanks to the Bread for peace, project, 30 cents for each package purchased are redistributed among Ukrainian farmers and in solidarity projects for displaced people.

Women and prison
Many initiatives in Turin to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Barolo social district. Founded in 1823 by Giulia and Tancredi, Marquises of Barolo, it is unique in our country: an ecosystem of solidarity guarantees fundamental services to around 15,000 people every year. Giulia, when she met the prisoners almost by chance, chose not to look away, but to stay with them. A woman for women. It was based on two fundamental points: to improve the physical existence of the prisoners, with a more humane treatment and a greater respect for the requirements of hygiene, and to improve their moral existence especially with religious instruction, which it imparted itself, assisted in followed by other ladies, with the introduction of chaplains in prisons and with work, which he considered essential for a real recovery. A forerunner of many projects today.

Chiara Genisio
NP March 2023

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