Miracles sought

Publish date 20-04-2024

by Renzo Agasso

At the foot of the steps of the papal plane, which landed in Prague on 21 April 1990, the President of the Republic emotionally welcomed John Paul II.
«Your Holiness, dear fellow citizens, I don't know, if I know, what a miracle is. Despite this, I dare to say that, at this moment, I am participating in a miracle: the man who six months ago was arrested as an enemy of the State, today, in the capacity of President of this State, welcomes the first Pontiff who, in the history of the Catholic Church, has set foot on this land."
«I don't know, if I know, what a miracle is. Despite this, I dare to say that this afternoon I will participate in a miracle: on the same place, where five months ago - on the day in which we rejoiced for the canonization of Agnes Boema - the future of our country was decided, today the Head of the Catholic Church will celebrate the Holy Mass and will probably thank our Saint for her intercession with Him who holds the inscrutable course of all things in his hands."

«I don't know, if I know, what a miracle is. Despite this, I dare to say that at this moment I am participating in a miracle: the messenger of love arrives in the country devastated by the ideology of hate; the living symbol of culture arrives in the country devastated by the government of the ignorant; in the country until recently devastated by the idea of confrontation and division in the world comes the messenger of peace, dialogue, mutual tolerance, esteem and calm understanding, heralding fraternal unity in diversity".
«For long decades, the spirit was banished from our homeland. I have the honor of being the witness of the moment in which its soil is kissed by the apostle of spirituality." «Welcome to Czechoslovakia, Your Holiness».

The President who speaks like this is called Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) (photo), playwright, essayist, poet, dissident persecuted and imprisoned by the Czechoslovakian communist regime. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, his fellow citizens elected him. A miracle, probably. Sanctioned by the arrival of the Polish Pope. “Velvet Revolution”, it has been called. Without bloodshed. Vaclav Havel, a gentle poet, brought his people out of the night of hatred, not seeking revenge, but dispensing forgiveness. In our present, hatred, ignorance and division persist.
When will the meek finally inherit the earth?

Renzo Agasso
NP March 2024

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