Us and Madhul

Publish date 07-08-2021

by Fabrizio Floris

Madhul was born in a distant country and arrived in Italy under age, it is not known for which routes, how long it took, the fact is that up to 19 years he was a guest in a host community. He then moved in with an uncle, a person who turned out to be with difficulty about him and unable to take care of his nephew. In fact, he forced Madhul to deal and after he refused he threatened him and kicked him out of the house. He went to a "friend", but found that he was a heavy drug addict, "he was out of his mind and hit me one night." So he started wandering around the various services of the city and landed in the right place. In the mental health center he found expertise and active support.
But "they" also had to immerse themselves in the abyss of him and it was a descent into pain. From the interviews it emerged that he had suffered violence: he was being sold for money and in one of those reports he contracted hepatitis. He is 19 and completely alone: ​​lost like a puppy on the highway. "He needs, says the educator who took charge of him, of" teachers "and adult figures who support him and give him confidence [...]. He has all the human nuances of a confused person: at times he is kind, at others aggressive, he has arrogant, almost delinquent ways, he does not want to talk to you, at other times he is calm, meek, smiling [...]. In this world there are parts of hell ... Luckily you live here for a maximum of 100 years while heaven is eternal ... After the prostitutes, who are the first to enter heaven, there are the abused ». Madhul's condition recalls what D. Hunter describes in Chav (Edizioni Alegre): «Our bodies are imbued with class connotations, and the bodies of people without capital are worth less. This is why they can take our bodies apart, they can buy and sell them, imprison them and then let them go ».
Politics (and the population in general) does not follow the pain of the class: partly because this class condition no longer exists, or rather it exists, but it is not perceived. It is a nebula of people who are both idealized and despised, but little understood, met and listened to. Madhul, Chav and all the others tell us that there can be no "polis" if we do not care about mental distress, child abuse, loneliness, economic and human poverty, violence. There can be no politics if you don't have a vision of what is right (the dream). The only one that, as Martin Luther King explained to us, generates social change.
Fabrizio Floris
NP April 2021

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