Universal authors

Publish date 01-12-2020

by Michelangelo Dotta

If young people, the very young and children have grown up in the digital world, cradled by the network and nourished by social networks, we must consider that in our country with zero growth or worse, families without children, singles and a growing number of elderly people do not she has such a high level of preparation and confidence in a world with which she is now obliged to deal and confront, but which in many cases is not part of her culture. Up to now, our politicians have not made great efforts or prepared strategies to bring Italy to align itself with the rest of Europe in the technological field, in fact favoring the rooting of a conviction as convenient as it is wrong, that is that that apparatus, in all its infinite applications, is a convenience of more prerogative of young people, and not a vital tool for the growth and economy of a nation. In the climate of a pandemic, this gap has manifested itself in a clear manner and many have discovered the potential of a computer connected to the network, thanks to the time spent at home during the months of forced confinement.

Due to force majeure we have all become a little more telematic but, at the same time, we have all learned to appreciate the enormous value of the affections and social relationships that no screen is able to return. Feeling distant, not being able to meet nor embrace, forced us to talk with the computer webcam and to manifest our affective impulses at a distance by redesigning gestures and facial expressions sized to the frame; even the most refractory have begun to peep from the screen, finding themselves with a certain amazement at ease and agreeing to spread their image in the boundless and uncontrolled ether. After the television revolution, a window wide open on the world and its events, built for an audience that enjoyed anonymity by sucking in images and content packaged ad hoc, the digital revolution has slowly transformed us into authors, actors, interpreters and distributors in title. free of the personal film that is our life, happy dispensers of our daily private existence, made without scruples available to the community on the net.

If you are lucky they can even go viral and bounce thousands or millions of times in front of the hungry gazes of a global audience. The old mobile phone is no longer needed to talk, with the smartphone you write and consume image files. In the small screen of a few inches, a world lives and develops from which it is increasingly difficult to look away, a pressing world that is constantly updated, a reality in which it is easy to delude oneself to participate as protagonists only to discover disappointing interpreters on the stage of life true.


Michelangelo Dotta
NP october 2020

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