Two ways to love

Publish date 30-09-2023

by Anna Maria Del Prete

Martha and Mary, two sisters who lived in Bethany together with their brother Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. The two sisters are presented by two evangelists: Luke and John who capture two moments of their relationship with Jesus. We will focus on the two stories that they transmit a different teaching, still very valid today.

In this article we will talk about a visit by Jesus to his brother's house, where he is welcomed by the two sisters who, although equally happy for this visit, experience it differently: Martha is committed to preparing many little things that will make the welcome more pleasant to Jesus (certainly the particular care he dedicates to it gives her great satisfaction, even if it originates from great affection). Her sister, instead of helping her, sits at the Master's feet, enchanted by her words, taking on the attitude typical of every disciple which is to listen to the Master. Annoyed by this situation, Martha protests and asks Jesus to intervene to convince her sister to collaborate.
But Jesus addresses her what may seem like a reproach, albeit an affectionate one, orienting her towards the truth: «Martha, Martha, you worry and worry about many things, but only one thing is needed. Maria has chosen the best part for herself, which will not be taken away from her." What does Jesus mean?
I give the answer to Pope Francis who wondered what the thing was that we also need. «First of all – he states – it is important to understand that it is not a question of the contrast between the two attitudes: listening to the Word of the Lord, contemplation and concrete service to others. They are not two opposing attitudes, but, on the contrary, they are two essential attitudes for our Christian life, which should never be separated, but lived together in depth and harmony.

But then why does Marta receive the reprimand, even if it is done gently? Because she considered only what she was doing essential, that is, she was too absorbed and worried about things "to do".
In a Christian, works of service and charity are never detached from the main source of all our actions, that is, listening to the Word of the Lord, staying - like Mary - at the feet of Jesus, in the attitude of a disciple. And for this, Martha is rebuked" (Angelus, 21 July 2013). The Pope's invitation to us today is clear not to let ourselves be taken over by the efficiency that undermines our daily lives, as happened to Marta. Christianity is not a morality, nor a doctrine, but adherence to a Person who dies and rises again, dies to the old, to selfishness, to be reborn to life and love.
This means that Jesus does not scold Martha, but indicates to her and to us that the best part means becoming disciples: listening to the word, guarding in the heart the treasure of the new law that transforms it, freeing it from the selfishness of an individual relationship with the Master to share it with others and guide them to the joy of encountering Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Anna Maria Del Prete
NP June / July 2023

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