Trust first

Publish date 19-02-2021

by Gabriella del Pero

In our usual daily life we ​​usually move and behave based on the perception of having a good ability to know and therefore be able to control the reality that surrounds us.

It is by virtue of that perception that we make plans, make choices, make decisions. But what if that perception suddenly falters, becomes uncertain or even disappears under the overwhelming wave of unforeseen and highly traumatic events such as the pandemic that is rocking the world? In his time, Freud wrote: «With the expression" traumatic "we designate an experience which, within the limits of a short period of time, brings to the psychic life an increase of stimuli so strong that its liquidation or elaboration in the usual way fails ... ".

Here, we are today just grappling with the task of "liquidating" - or at least reducing as much as possible - the high level of stress from which we were all unexpectedly hit for the first time last spring and which now returns a second time with no less intensity. The business is not easy, both on an individual and community level.

We walk into uncertainty, which often becomes confusing.
We are bombarded every day with sometimes contradictory, if not frankly misleading, messages. The sense of imminent danger and the emotional climate of fear and mistrust that we hoped to have left behind at the end of the summer fell upon our heads again, this time seasoned with a mixture of anger, impatience, exasperation.
This terrible "second wave" of infections has come into contact with our vulnerability already so deeply wounded, giving us the feeling of progressive wear and making a predictable time horizon beyond which to place the end of the emergency out of focus and distant.

Alongside the indispensable and very urgent measures of economic support, it would therefore be necessary to think soon also of a great and powerful action of human and psychological "refreshment" aimed at individuals and the community. From this point of view the modern means of communication (of all kinds!) With which we are more than abundantly supplied could give us a big hand. On the contrary, one often gets the impression that they just bombard us at any time of the day or night with information, data, numbers, graphics and tables ... all framed by an incessant background of controversy, clashes, conflicts, sterile discussions and exchanges. vitriolic, with a succession of more or less serious and credible characters, but all fundamentally interested in the promotion and exhibition (sometimes painful) of themselves!

Instead, we know that other words and other images could have a positive effect on people. Since "we cannot not communicate" (Paul Watzlawick), since we continuously listen to or look at someone or something and we talk to each other every day and continually converse with ourselves, why not use other languages ​​to transmit not only "news ", But hope and trust, creativity and imagination, closeness and solidarity?

Healthy words can make the world more understandable, show us regularity in the midst of chaos, offer support, awaken positive attitudes and hidden energies in us to better face difficulties. An encouraging message, an affectionate phone call can keep bonds and friendships alive and counteract the new and terrible loneliness.
An intelligent television broadcast can stimulate interests, stimulate reflections, arouse positive feelings. Not to mention the profound therapeutic power of the language of music, art, reading, writing ... Let's open our eyes, mind and heart: good can only do well, in every situation!

Gabriella del Pero
NP December 2020

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