Transparency and participation
Publish date 11-03-2022
I read that from the NRRP 252 million will be allocated to public housing in Lombardy and 85.5 million in Piedmont. Or I read that for Piedmont there will be over 205 million euros for almost 600 interventions that will involve 388 municipalities through the funds allocated by the Interior Ministry, as part of the European resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Good. But be careful. "The consent, cooperation and understanding of citizenship is very necessary, which must not attribute magical powers to the Administration and wait for miraculous solutions." The sentence is by Sebastiano Foti on the occasion of his inauguration as mayor of Caltagirone back in April 15, 1946. What is topical. The disappointment from politics and the ability to manage cities and the common good we have experienced with a very strong absenteeism in some large urban centers in the last administrative elections. The important and significant funding of the NRP will have an effect of improving the living conditions and development of people to the extent that they are understood and shared by the community and in particular by civil society.
Transparency is therefore the first fundamental element. Those looking for data cannot find it anywhere. What interests each one is how much will be destined for his municipality and community. Especially small municipalities (and they are the majority) are interested in being able to speak directly with the mayor. And understand what we are equipped to do in a logic of common good and subsidiarity. Two fundamental principles and essential prerequisites for building territorial development with active citizenship. Therefore data transparency to trigger the conditions for participation. There is no time to lose. The PNRR is not a fund to develop Italy in an abstract way but to increase the capacity, competence, dignity of Italians (administrators, entrepreneurs, third sector) in creating jobs, respecting creation (the environment) , in fostering warmth in social relationships, in guaranteeing hope and a future for young people, in ensuring a happy old age for the elderly and in supporting young couples not to be afraid to bring children into the world. Alongside the right concern to invest the funds on time, to proceed in compliance with the administrative bureaucratic rules, it should not be forgotten that the person must be at the center. All people even the most defenseless. An interesting challenge for all of us.
Gianfranco Cattai
NP December 2021