Trafficking in Lives and A Happy Jesuit
Publish date 03-05-2022
The trafficking of lives
Trafficking, exploitation and criminal organizations
by Fabrizio Floris
FrancoAngeli 2021
There is a phenomenon that was thought to be relegated to the pages of history books and instead is found in the heart of Western cities. It is the trafficking of human beings, the equation of human life with a commodity, and according to the estimates of the International Labor Organization (ILO) 40 million people exploited sexually, at work, for begging and illegal activities. The research presented in the volume investigated, through interviews with social workers and public officials, questionnaires and focus groups, the condition of victims of trafficking from Nigeria. At the same time, there is a large reception network that looks at the person, his rights and his needs. The book accounts for this complexity: from exploitation, to law enforcement actions, to acceptance and redemption.
A happy Jesuit
Spiritual Testament
by Maria Concetta De Magistris, Bartolomeo Sorge
Terra Santa Editions, 2021
The legacy of wisdom of a great theologian, protagonist of the political and ecclesial life of the twentieth century. Finally available in full edition - with precious unpublished works - the only existing collection of the "spiritual notes" of the historical director of La Civiltà Cattolica, animator of the "Spring of Palermo". In this book Maria Concetta De Magistris traces, in the first part, the ecclesial and civil commitment of the Jesuit in the context of the great transformations of the country in which he lived and worked. The second part contains the only existing collection of Father Sorge's spiritual notes. These are humble pages that reveal the secrets of a rich inner life.
Aurora Antonucci
NP January 2022