The value of time

Publish date 15-06-2022

by Chiara Vitali

"You can always find a way to make someone else happy." Debora Racano, 28, often repeats this to the children she meets. She is a volunteer for the School of Peace of the Community of Sant’Egidio, in Pavia. “We go to the outskirts of our city and meet the children who live there. Usually they come from families living in a situation of economic and social fragility - says the volunteer - We help them with their homework, but we also try to transmit values ​​». Activities for children are totally free and include visits, parties, excursions every year. The School of Peace is widespread throughout Italy, but also in Latin America, Asia and Africa, where Sant’Egidio is present.

"With the children we experience that no one is too small to do good" explains Debora. In the period before Christmas, for example, the children prepared various drawings for the elderly of the city and some crafts to give as gifts to the families of Afghans who have just arrived on the territory. During the same period, Debora and the other volunteers brought some toys as gifts to the hundred children of their area. The intention, explains the volunteer, "is to show children that we never forget them".

The experience with the Community began for Debora in 2015: "At the University I saw a flyer of one of their initiatives, I participated and I was very happy - she explains - here everyone can take responsibility and I like this very much". The initial interest soon turned into a constant commitment. Taking on the burdens of others, says the volunteer, «helps to get back into one's life. I have discovered the value of time and my talents. I also realized that giving others the beautiful things I have is the only way not to lose them ". In this, the community dimension is fundamental: «All activities are possible thanks to us, to many people who love each other and who choose to be together. Let's try to be friends with those we meet - concludes Debora - and thus our family grows ".

Chiara Vitali
NP February 2022

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