The soul of television

Publish date 25-05-2024

by Michelangelo Dotta

The method of constant television overexposure that the three leaders of the majority that governs us have scrupulously pursued since their victory in the last elections is a dangerous and double-edged sword that risks turning against the same protagonists who seem to maneuver it with excessive ease. The constant media presence applied as a method of government satiates and satisfies the appetites of the most ardent supporters, lovers of the man who flaunts power and pursues a personal cult of the person, but risks triggering a dangerous climate of reaction in a more tepid segment of electorate and, even more so, in the large mass of undecided and dissatisfied people who did not turn up to vote. However, with the exception of Sardinia, the faces of the triumvirate in power seem to hold up well in the preferences of Italians and the overlap in Abruzzo of presidents, vice-presidents and ministers on the catwalk has achieved the objective. 

The television bass drum, even if excessive and totally devoted to the caste, evidently not only does not tire and works, but exerts a sort of magnetic charm, an indomitable attraction towards the simulacrum of power, even better if in flesh and blood. It is an entirely Italian trend that television in particular has generated, that of the cult of the character regardless of his role and his abilities, an act of love and faith that occurs automatically, almost a physical attraction that leads us to forget or completely ignore the flaws and shortcomings of our idol. In addition to influencers, actors and singers followed by millions of followers, politicians, now omnipresent in their own right on social media, enjoy an unexpectedly large audience that follows their daily exploits, semi-domestic heroes who live out their official role on television and on the platforms they generously indulge in a more homely and friendly guise. Precisely this double face, one that thunders slogans and proclamations from the screen and the other that winks and dialogues from the mobile phone, maintains and broadens the sphere of consensus on a daily basis, almost a hidden complicity that seems to cancel the distances between those who hold power, command and decides, and those who, happy in their hearts, suffer these decisions and don't even try to question them. 

Today, great statesmen and political leaders draw their strength in a manner directly proportional to their ability to appear in every context, both public and private, and it is this, and only this, that defines their greatness in the eyes of the general public; everything and immediately also applies to politics, slogans and proclamations are enough, there is no time or desire to wait for the activation of programs to verify the credibility of a leader... "the word is enough" said an old advertisement. Thus, television overexposure ended up causing addiction rather than repulsion in the large pool of CRT users and the daily chat with voters has generated empathy and familiarity with the powerful who command us, transforming them into idols of flesh and blood, loved, followed, listened to and above all believed... alas.

Michelangelo Dotta
NP April 2024

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