The social aspect of Maria

Publish date 02-11-2020

by Giuseppe Pollano

Mary in the Magnificat, without descending from her being mystically in God, gives a realistic and severe look at history as it is. From "the Almighty has done great things in me" he immediately goes to "his mercy extends to those who fear him". As if to say that God, through Mary and Christ, raises the world, because he wants all humanity to be pervaded by his truth and his love. Mary's gaze falls on a humanity which, on the other hand, is torn by deeply corrupted interpersonal relationships. And do not keep silent (Lc 1,51-55). God explains the power of his arm and then the proud are scattered. The Greek term is that of the sower who throws away the seed, then "pulverized" in their projects. Mary clearly tells the proud of all times that God will pulverize them. This discourse passes to us, we become its bearers and prophets, so history becomes a great commitment for us.

He has overthrown the mighty from their thrones: the logic of the world is that some are powerful and many others are not, that the powerful overwhelm others who suffer and remain unhappy for this. Well, big or small, known or unknown, the mighty in God's plan are about to be overthrown.
He has exalted the humble: let us remember the Gospel (Mt 23:12: whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted).
He sent the rich away empty: the Gospel reminds us (Mt 13:12; Mc 4,25; Lc 19:26) that he will be taken away from those who do not have even what they thought they had.

Giuseppe Pollano
NP August / September 2020

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