The revolution
Publish date 20-06-2020
In this daily property of ours revolutionized in times and ways, we are learning to rediscover and appreciate the value of many things and to revisit the space we have available with different eyes and sensitivity. We undergo for various reasons the zeroing of all the parameters that we considered indispensable for our survival and we realize, day after day, that despite great anguish, that in large part we are simply giving up the superfluous. Without in fact an "outside" in which to move freely, to show us and share consolidated passions and rituals, to act undisturbed and in full right to satisfy our every desire, the newspaper that unfolds between the domestic walls redefines a limited and very unknown horizon where the windows, the balcony, or the small terrace, are the only offshoots that reach out and hook us to the surrounding world. Honestly, many of us had never noticed the gymnasium opposite or watering the pots looking around leaning on the railing, the neighbor who hangs clothes and puts the mile in the canaries' cage, the concierge in front who sweeps and washes the driveway or the lights of the great building that looks at us imperiously beyond the road which, as in a dance, come on one after the other at nightfall ... gestures and atmospheres that have accompanied us for years but which, evidently, we had never wanted , time, and taste to observe.
Today as today they are the most lively and real manifestation of a world close to us in which we can only participate with our eyes, a vital space in which we recognize ourselves as actors who play the same script at a distance and then, once the curtain is closed, they retire to changing room. And yes, the house, however spacious it may be, is becoming tremendously narrow, but also getting out of it, recovering outdoor spaces, making wary and protected bets in a world that all of a sudden seems to have become hostile to us, does not allow us to savor the pleasures and harmony of a normal life, that everyday routine that seems to have fatally stopped. We consume the aperitif with the usual friends on Zoom, we inform ourselves about the health of relatives via Skype while we spend the hours talking on the phone always on the same topics.
Those who have the opportunity work from home in smart-working on the computer, discovering day after day deliberately, and with ill-concealed taste, the usual office hours. In the meantime, we wait for clear indications that do not arrive, we try to interpret the Dpcm but the confusion increases, we read data and statistics in the newspapers and we focus perfectly on the meaning of the word chaos. This revolution to which we are forced is slowly changing the face of the society in which we live, but the aspect that most wears our thoughts is the clear perception that to this emergency, to date, no one has yet dared to add the end word.
See the focus Reflections in Time of Covid 19