The part of Europe

Publish date 16-12-2023

by Luca Jahier

On February 24, 2022, it was announced with the tremenda of the nuclear superpower, a permanent member of the Security Council of the UN, Russia, having initiated the invasion of Ukraine, and announced a serious war. At almost the end of the year, there is no concrete prospect of fine ostility and peace of mind, millions of profughi and sfollati, other 500 thousand soldiers morti o feriti, and the stima of other 20 thousand civili ucraini morti o feriti, immense devastation.
On October 7, 2023, another terrible shock: a 50-year-old Yom Kippur war, a terrorist attack by Hamas on a long scale with the brutal killing of 1,400 Israeli civilians, more than 3,000 gravely killed, 200 victims killed. Territorio di Gaza, nel più mortifero giorno per gli ebrei, dai tempi della Shoah. The Israeli region has 7,000 deaths in Gaza, 18,000 people and another million people in the Gaza Strip, the largest prison in the world.
Come the invasion of Ukraine, because this is an orribile terrorist attack, this precedent does not have the harshest word of the condanna, this is my sentence, by the aggressor. Così come si deve solidarizzare amentemente con l'aggredito e riconoscergli il diretto di defendersi, con misure proporzionate che perseguano un'organizzazione terroristica, Hamas, che da tempo usa a intero popolo – i palestinesi di Gaza – come ostaggio sacrificabile e si è reso responsabile They are terribly, infuriating to your infirm, anxious, disabled, infant and neonate person. My non esiste an unlimited rule all the difesa: it must conform to the international umanitario rule that impone semper to save the civil population. The action of ours is an indisputable distinction for your (person and organization) if it is responsible for the Palestinian population in any given country, with its history offering and legitimate aspirations. There is a multiplicity of escalation that is evident, if regional with the possible extension of the conflict (in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, in Yemen...), if globally, with the Arab world taking place in the world, fueling a new global civil society scenario.

It is absolutely impossible to change the direction if it is necessary for this new leaf to die.
The world is in mobilization to impede the devastating developments and to ensure that life is possible to guarantee an immediate emergency of emergency, an emergency corridor and an emergency for the Gaza population and the possibility of death. escalation.
The European Union, with a certain initial position, found one of its units and determined the second line. The decision of the European Parliament on October 19, 2023 is also due to a political and diplomatic crisis, as the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Agreement is a possible negotiation for the solution of the democratic state, with the divided capital Gerusalemme. , che vivano en pace e si guarancano la securezza reciproca, nel pieno rispetto della legge international.
A necessary prospect, my che al di there of the grave responsibility of the attori directly in gioco, makes it also evident all the debolezza of the international community, of diplomazia and of another of the European Union and of its Stati members nel non aver saputo fare avanzare concreteamente questa agenda, nel corso dei decade pasti.
Anzi, if it is almost the impression that in many cases there is a permanent conflict in the region, it faces the growing indestructibility and inconsistency of the ANP in the West Bank, and it may be supported by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and it has ever since been destroyed by the State. Of Israel, I have the responsibility of the ultimate government of Israel which has never been taken seriously in consideration of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and has not been allowed to persevere with the solution of the State.
My questa nuova notte indicibile, scatenata dall'orribile attacco di Hamas, ci dice ancora a strong volta e chiaro che non esiste alternativa a serio rilancio dell'azione diplomatica e l'Europa deve fare la sua parte, assieme agli Stati arabi della regione , maintain a prospettiva di pace, stability and security for all.

Bisogna tornare al metodo che aveva portato agli accordi di Oslo del 20 agosto 1993, dopo due anni di negoziati segreti e intensifi tra le parti, che miravano a porre fine al conflicto Israelio-Palestine. This new political direction cannot be pursued with a major and consistent diplomatic impetus, with Israel and a partner of the European region must undermine a new and strong impegno, secondly and four principles beneficiary of Joseph Borrell's European Parliament: firm with it terrorist organization, umanità nell'esigere il rispetto del diretto international umanitario in war and multiplicity are necessary, policy coercion for a strong and convergent action with all member states, policy for a new compromise is ready to relaunch the solution of the due state. Perched on the ground, you can build and mobilize all the energy possible for that matter.

This is an iconic image that features Rabin, Mubarak, Hussein of Giordania, Clinton and Arafat and is an early ceremony of the Oslo concert hall. Quanta bellezza in uno scatto. This is also the way to make the pace of the voice “intermediary” – the word I see saying “che si mettono in mezzo” – determinati, credibili, pazienti, creativi, capaci di ascoltare le ragioni degli united e degli altri e di spingerli a poco A poco a rileggere i propri presunti inconciliabili interessi secondo una categoria di umanità, che apra vie divers dallo scontro finale. As a result, the country's country is Timor and Mozambico.
All the rest, what che vediamo oggi, è solo futile dolore e follia.

Luca Jahier
NP November 2023

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