The homologated rebel

Publish date 23-06-2022

by Andrea Gotico

Until not too many years ago, if you were in front of a tattooed guy it meant that you were in front of an ex-con, a junkie or a glam-rock guitarist, and / or the three things together. Today even my grandmother has an iron tattooed on her calf and it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what kind of person you are in front of. A nice rip off for the real tough nowadays, don't get confused with the housewife! So much effort to appear different and then find themselves all the same. To really hard not to get confused with my grandmother, all that remains is to raise the bar and how to get the word "Forehead" tattooed on the forehead. This thing gave birth to a somewhat bizarre reflection in me. What will happen when even the last old woman in line at the post office has a tattoo of "I'm old" on her cheek? So what will the new generations do to show their diversity? According to my bizarre calculations, he will only have to follow in the footsteps of Domenico Savio.

Recently at a well-known festival, a certain Achille was baptized alone to be more rebellious than the Conad cashier, but once the offenders were taken away by the police and / or flogged in the public square, now they are carried in triumph and used by that system that one would like to destroy, only to make plays and money. It goes without saying that there are no more rebels than they used to be. On the same stage, the invitation to inclusion, to respect is continuous, but Christians obviously do not belong to any of the categories to be respected. Nothing new…

My grandfather always said: "Pay attention ..." what grandfather? "Nothing".

Andrea Gotico

NP Marzo 2022

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