The faces of work

Publish date 17-04-2024

by Riccardo Franchi

Turchia, Istanbul, venditore di limonataA plowman then asked: tell us about the work.
And he answered saying:
You work to be able to go hand in hand with the earth and her soul

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Artificial Intelligence
will have important effects on the world of work. Many predict a substantial reduction in employment. The AI will intervene heavily on the quantity and on quality of tasks. We will be forced to review our relationship with time and build new values.

Perù, regione di Cusco, mamma con bimba lavora la lana

Are we ready to face these changes?
The future certainly holds surprises and a certain amount of unpredictability, but it cannot be never cancel the value of work for our life. Our Constitution also reminds us that work is the foundation of the republic and an essential element of our dignity.

giovane donna vende frutta al mercato

Turchia, Pergamo, barbiere all'opera

If we want the future to remain human we will have to commit ourselves because Artificial Intelligence and new technologies work in favor of man and his needs. There will be new rhythms, new functions but there won't have to be never be an "artificial heart"!

Photo: Riccardo Franchi
March 2024

Cuba, L'Avana, suonatori di musica tradizionale

Madagascar, venditore di frutta

Turchia, Istanbul, kebabbaro prepara una pita con kebab. In turco la parola “kebab” significa “arrostire”

Madagascar, venditrice di pesce essiccato

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