The difficult path

Publish date 15-05-2022

by Corrado Avagnina

Undoubtedly it was (and is) a not entirely imaginable junction. In fact, however, among the many dramatic outcomes that Covid has produced among us, this unprecedented must also be taken into account: the fact more and more amplified to no longer understand each other on important and decisive issues, letting oneself be displaced by positions that have been made and become incomprehensible.
So we found ourselves almost blocked, unable to discuss bringing accredited and documented elements, while diktats of apodictic derivation were imposed on vaccines and their surroundings.
Impressive certain statements relaunched on social networks and in parades, with pseudo-scientific arguments and with slogans that have done badly for the drifts on which they push. Yet this very hard hoof has not been scratched too much, unfortunately. There seems to have been a lack of opportunities to somehow break through this hermetic wall. A worrying signal for the social stability of the human communities to which we belong. Will we no longer be in a position to explain ourselves, to understand each other? Will we no longer have the conditions to live together, even if attested on different shores?

But, in all this, there is a fact that poses a further problem. This wave, not only of Covid but of mixed reactions, has even affected the ecclesial fabric. Some time ago, in full peak of infections, on increasing reports the bishop of Teano-Calvi and Alife-Caiazzo, Msgr. Giacomo Cirulli, issued clear and clear provisions prohibiting unvaccinated priests, religious, deacons, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist from distributing Communion. A decision "of common sense" then explained to Avvenire in harmony with what Pope Francis has repeatedly recalled in this regard, reiterating that: "Vaccinating is an act of love for oneself and for others ". And, especially on social media, a shower of insults and threats across the board was unleashed. Which prompted the bishop to express a further concern to Avvenire : "Many times I have the impression that there is a 'schism' taking place. It strikes me how among the Christians who frequent the parishes and also among the clergy on this issue even the pope is attacked in a violent way. Now they are angry with me ». An ambiguity or contradiction that weighs on the ecclesial fabric and on people's consciences. Disconcerting turbulence on which to stop and reflect, dispassionately. In any case, not to be dropped, especially since there is an opportunity for evangelical frankness constituted by the synodal journey in Italy, which cannot avoid exposed nerves.

Corrado Avagnina
NP February 2022

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