Rudi's dreams

Publish date 18-10-2023

by Roberto Lerda

A few days ago a young girl with a clear look confided to me her worries about the future, telling me about a friend who recently fell ill and can no longer lead a normal life and about a Another friend passed away a few months ago due to an incurable disease. She asked me: «Why all these difficulties? And why all of my friends?". I couldn't answer, because I don't think it's possible to make theories. The only real answer is to stay close, accompany, team up, walk together. And I remembered Tommaso: 10 years have now passed since his fifth year of high school, since he flew to heaven after a hard fight against a very aggressive cancer, lived and suffered together with us classmates who were close to him until the end. The memory of him has always accompanied me…

Recently I also came across the story of Rudi Zanatta, this year appointed Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic: a 2 meter giant who tries to make the dreams of children and young people suffering from serious illnesses. In his case it all started from a chance meeting with a young woman, Emily, with whom he became a friend. Through her he met her family and, when the girl got ill, she confided to him her dream of going on a trip; thanks to the support of many it was possible to organize a week in Cape Verde in a way that was not at all predictable. Right there Emily, now aware that she would not recover, said to Rudi: «It would be nice if you continued to do this thing you did for me, you made my dream come true! I would like you to do the same thing for many others." Words that sound like a mandate, not passed in vain, because since then Rudi - in 20 years - has made the dreams of 300 oncology children and young people come true and founded the "Sogni" association, where he works with many other friends who have joined to his wonderful mission.

Going back to that question about "why" today I would say to that girl again that I don't know the answer, but I am sure that life passes through our hands in many forms and with many names; each of us has our Tommaso, our Emily, our Riccardino and many others who give us the opportunity (if we want it) to open our hearts and turn on a small light to cross the darkness of suffering together.

Roberto Lerda
NP August / September 2023

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