Peace silk

Publish date 23-10-2022

by Elisa D’Adamo

Talking about “non-violent silk” means talking about the Roman designer Tiziano Guardini, master of ecouture. This word expresses the encounter between high fashion (couture) and ecology, to represent a contemporary need: a positive union between fashion and nature, with the aim of imprinting a moral ethics within the complex world. of the fashion system.

Ecouture selects natural materials that derive from recycling processes, such as nylon obtained from fishing nets dispersed at sea, or from good practices such as the production and use of so-called "non-violent" silk or "Of peace".

For centuries the silk production process has involved the larva of an insect called bombyx of the mulberry, commonly known as silkworm, which builds its cocoon of precious fibers to enclose itself and carry out its metamorphosis. When nature completes its course, the larva becomes a moth that breaks the cocoon to fly away. To avoid this break and to be able to use the entire silk thread that constitutes the cocoon, it is boiled with the worm inside it, causing its death. The designer Tiziano Guardini has chosen not to align with this ancient and cruel practice and to take the path of waiting, without sacrificing the life of the animal. Skilled artisans recover the fragmented fibers from the escape of the insect, a process that is certainly less fast and economical, but which speaks of profound consideration for life and a saving of about ¾ of water compared to the traditional production method. A union of ethics and aesthetics that we hope will soon become fashionable!

Elisa d'Adamo
NP June / July 2022

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