One world in peace

Publish date 13-10-2023

by Redazione Sermig

Why did Sermig create the “Artisan of Peace” award?
We are convinced that the world is moving not towards war, but towards peace, towards justice, like the river goes towards the sea, despite the obstacles and difficulties it encounters on its path, like darkness goes towards the light, like snow melts under the sun.
We are here to change the face of the world so that tomorrow there will be a world of peace, a future to be entrusted without shame to our children.
Also for this reason we invented the Craftsman of Peace Award, a symbolic recognition, accompanied by concrete help to the poor, to be awarded to women and men who, despite having different characteristics, have been able to work for peace through their own lives, conduct with purity, firmness and a desire for dialogue.
Craftsman of peace brings to mind someone who with his own hands, with his own imagination, with his own humanity builds and creates peace, without industry behind him.
Peace also supported by the certainty that comes to us from Isaiah's prophecy: weapons will be transformed into work tools; war will be canceled and peace, no longer a peace of fear, but true peace, will return to earth.

Ernesto Olivero at the presentation of the initiative

Since 1981, Sermig has been awarding the Craftsman of Peace prize. 73 awards, of which 21 to groups and associations.
15 photos tell the story of the Award

In Piazza San Carlo in Turin, on 8 NOVEMBER 1981, the Tent of Peace became the center of a meeting of young people and representatives of the institutions in which the first two Artisans of Peace, MICHELE PELLEGRINO and SANDRO PERTINI, were proclaimed.

The award goes to HÉLDER CÂMARA. He tells us: «We would all gain from being Artisans of Peace. Happy is he who does not keep within himself the smallest drop of resentment and adopts, as a life program, the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi: Lord, make me an instrument
of your Peace...".

Florence for GIORGIO LA PIRA through the foundation of the same name. Giuseppe Lazzati is present. The motivation reads: “To Giorgio La Pira, prophet of peace in a world of new brotherhood. Prophet of constructive will in the era he defined as "atomic and spatial". Prophet of Christianity and spiritual man beyond materialism. Great friend of the Third World, of scientists and, above all, of the poor."

“To Msgr. ANTONIO RIBOLDI who, through the different experiences that his pastoral ministry has placed before him, has been able to recognize the face of Christ in the most marginalized men, practicing his commandment of love to the point of putting his own life at risk so that society does not was and is not complicit in the oppression."
“To NORBERTO BOBBIO who found in his rigorous secular culture the inspiration for a long and daily activity in favor of justice, placing the search for truth above personal and partisan ideas and interests.”

To Sister ELVIRA PETROZZI - CENACOLO COMMUNITY of Saluzzo. The motivation for the award reads: "To Sister Elvira, for having shared the anguish caused by drugs in the hearts of many brothers, seeking healing and hope for them in God".

GIORGIO CERAGIOLI «The technological hope – states Ceragioli – is that man's work is used for good and that technology with its immense potential is regulated by the law of love».

In Rome Ernesto meets MOTHER TERESA to present her with Sermig's non-rule rule and give her the flag of peace. When asked to leave a message for the Fraternity, Mother Teresa replied: «Let us love each other as Jesus loved each of us. There is love, peace, joy, eternity; this is why it is very important that we learn to pray, but the truth of prayer is peace. This is my prayer for you. God bless you".

“To Dom LUCIANO MENDES DE ALMEIDA for his daily and passionate work in favor of justice and social peace“. «Peace is always incomplete – said Dom Luciano – which is why hope is necessary. If we do not have hope in our hearts, we can be overwhelmed by difficulties. You don't get far if you don't have the faith that comes from hope."

“To brother COSTANTINO RUGGERI, craftsman of Beauty, who in the colours, shapes and light of his works recreates the harmony of creation for the joy of us men, recognizing in his art an indispensable contribution to peace in the heart of man and among men."

"To BRUNO BAIOLI, for having made peace in hearts grow with passionate and tireless commitment through interreligious dialogue, the meeting between different cultures, the promotion of lay people in evangelization, in the spirit of Don Giovanni Rossi's PRO CIVITATE CHRISTIANA" .

From 5 April 1997, when there were a thousand days left until the year 2000, the Flag of Peace became a symbol of Sermig. “To the ARMANDO TESTA AGENCY for the enthusiasm always shown in supporting the most various social solidarity initiatives with the offer of creative ideas and campaigns and the affectionate assistance in their implementation".

“To FIORETTA MAZZEI. From disciple of Giorgio La Pira to teacher of peace, dialogue, fraternity between all women and men in the world."

“To ELISA SPRINGER a survivor of the extermination camps who was able to find the values on which to rebuild her life in pity, forgiveness and brotherhood”. «To the question, “Where was God in Auschwitz?” – Elisa replied – God is always there, he is everywhere, it was not God who brought man to his knees but it was man who brought God to his knees and unfortunately continues to do so».

“To mother ANNA MARIA CANOPI, woman of God and mother of a people, witness of contemplative life, of communion, of brotherhood, in love with Scripture, teacher of reading the signs of the times”. A mandate for Sermig: «I wish you to run with an expanded heart on the paths of life, so as to be able to attract an immense multitude of young people to Christ and be a visible sign in society of that youth of the spirit which consists in "living Christ" and which grows by making one's life a gift."

By the editorial staff
Focus - Let's prepare peace
NP August / September 2023

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