Meetings in the Youth Square

Publish date 13-04-2021

by Redazione Sermig

We share some valuable contributions we have received in these episodes. With Father Francesco Occhetta we talked about justice: "For great civilizations and also for the Bible, justice is the care of relationships with others and injustice, on the other hand, is an experience of breaking off relationships with the other; therefore a murder, a rape, a kidnapping, a theft, a robbery, are all dimensions of injustice that illuminate the demand for justice in the night. So as a society and as a person, we must first ask ourselves what justice is. We define it in many ways with respect to the experience that each of us has, and in general before it touches us in the flesh we divide ourselves into executioners and permissiveists ... True justice requires that we must condemn the evil that has been done but save the person who he does it because otherwise evil for evil leads us to destroy ourselves because if I kill partly I kill myself, if I corrupt partly I corrupt, if I betray partly I betray myself. On the other hand, if I rehabilitate, I can say in front of the man: you are still a man for me". 

The sociologist Mauro Magatti helped us to decline the wait: "The human being is lack by definition and therefore we are desiring and waiting because this is life ... The sense of emptiness accompanies our human existence and waiting is learning to skirt that void which is a promising void. One of the ways to live with this emptiness is to pray; pray those who feel precarious, missing… ”.

In the episode dedicated to the truth, Flaminia Morandi stressed that «Crying for me was the inner signal that warned me not to continue, the path of compromise was not for me. I worked for 25 years on television and little by little a change of mentality took place in me. I discovered the Gospel in this sense as a true path of liberation which then leads to a change of action. However, this requires - as in nature - long rhythms, it takes time. The important thing is not to continue lying to ourselves, to accept to question ourselves, to face our miseries. Otherwise we will not be able to tell the truth. We need not be afraid to look within, because we are deeply loved beings. The Church Fathers remind us that man has three dimensions, body, soul (character, personality) and spirit. Here, the latter is its trademark. The content of man is God and this divine mark must come to light, eliminating in us what is not him. This is making truth, this is becoming a person».

Finally, the writer Susanna Tamaro emphasized the need to be true in relationships: "In my opinion, truth becomes when in life we ​​approach a dimension of love. When there is falsehood, manipulation, a continuous deception to conquer and maintain power, there is no truth. When I crave power that is not service, I sidereally distance myself from the truth. The truth comes when in your relationships you challenge yourself with your nakedness, not with masks. By doing this, you are also able to make others undress, abandoning fears, precisely because love is the basis of a true relationship."


Drafting Sermig
NP january 2021


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