
Publish date 04-04-2022

by Corrado Avagnina

It is difficult to say today what is touching us or will touch us, with Covid which has not been defeated and which, on the contrary, is proposed again with variants, in a prolonged match in which vaccines (but not only) are an indispensable strength . The horizon is uncertain. The dreamed-of "normality" is late in arriving and instead presents us with life contexts in which limitations, risks and various types of troubles can coexist.

In all of this scenario there remain some black holes that are impressive, such as the one represented by the no-vax galaxy. Frankly, it is hard to follow the reasoning of this world from the negationist ideology, finding oneself in a tangle of contradictions to leave astonished. Then comes the testimonies of those who, first denying the evidence, then being infected in intensive care, admit the blunder and invite vaccination, recognizing the seriousness of what he claimed and advertised. A post signal, which highlights even more the blatant contagion from unsustainable and dangerous ideas and beliefs (as the disease suffered has shown in the living flesh of people).

Perhaps we must ask ourselves how all this is rationally possible. Because a complicated junction is highlighted; where logic no longer supports, one slips into the swamp of words that are no longer understandable and unsettling. Without having, perhaps, any holds to intercept these paradoxical and incredible arguments. And Censis, a few weeks ago in its report, also found marked traces of disconcerting irrationality on us as a country. Just think of the 19.9% ​​who believe that 5G is a maxi-system to control people, or the 10% who deny that man has landed on the Moon, or the 5.8% who believe that the Earth is flat. , or that 56.5% who believe in an elite network of powerful global players who control everything, or the 31.4% who say vaccines are experimental, or 5.9% (three million people) who say that Covid does not exist.

Censis presents the situation in rather disheartening terms, speaking of "a fatal escape into magical, witchcraft, shamanic thought, the indicator of a broader phenomenon, an uneasiness that has deep roots." In short, we can no longer be surprised by anything, because what is most paradoxical still seems to find citizenship in a framework of references without logical or rational connections. Alas, the suggestions that are then amplified to excess and that cannot be re-dimensioned within objective data are valid. An unexpected surprise? Perhaps, but it must be faced with clarity.

Corrado Avagnina

NP Gennaio 2022

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