Jesus among the doctors

Publish date 25-06-2023

by Chiara Dal Corso

In its sober essentiality, the icon, which is part of the tablets of Santa Sofia of Novgorod (see NP n. 2, 2023) is extremely refined and elegant, according to the characteristic style of the tablets. It represents the episode in the life of Jesus when, at the age of 12, on the occasion of his annual visit to Jerusalem for the Passover, he enters the temple of Jerusalem to converse with the doctors of the law, the "theologians" of the time (Lk 2 ,41-52). In the meantime, Mary and Joseph set off again to return to Nazareth, together with other travellers, without realizing that he was not with them. A particular episode, which must have been very painful for Mary and Joseph. In fact, as soon as they realize he's missing, they start looking for him and go back. «After three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, while he listened to them and questioned them. And all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers.' When they saw him they were amazed, and his mother said to him: "Son, why did you do this to us? Here, your father and I, anxious, were looking for you" ».

Mary and Joseph are not represented in the icon, the central and dominant part is occupied by the adolescent Jesus, dressed as when he was a child, in orange illuminated with gold, with the light of grace, and with the roll of Word in hand, teach two groups of doctors, right and left.

The six masters who are listening to him are visibly intrigued, and look at each other wondering where all the wisdom that he demonstrates he possesses comes from, and the intelligence of his answers. And in fact he is depicted as an adolescent, but in a larger proportion than other characters, and seated on an arched throne with a stool under his feet, to indicate the quality of true (and only) Master; the greatest because he who possesses divine wisdom by nature. Also, behind him is the dome of the temple, indicating that we are inside the temple in Jerusalem, and that he himself is the new temple.

The key to this passage is in the answer that Jesus gives to Mary and Joseph: «Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?" Jesus didn't get "lost", he didn't get "distracted", nor does he ignore the concern of his mother and of Joseph. Indeed, from this episode we understand that at the age of 12 Jesus already has the wisdom of a great Teacher, he knows well who he is and who his Father is - not only that - but he knows and is already doing his will, he is already "taking care" of what the Father wants. He shows us that he would already be "ready" for the mission, but he chooses to return with his parents and, out of obedience, to be submissive to them until the time of departure for public life.

And in the meantime, with these three days of... bewilderment, (which is bewilderment for Mary and Joseph, because the anguish of having lost their son and their God at the same time must have been very strong) he warns them and prepares them, especially the mother, for the pains of his mission and his passion, always in obedience to the Father's will, which will inevitably have repercussions in his most loving heart.

The icon is used in the Orthodox liturgy, on the feast of "Mid-Pentecost", generally on the Wednesday of the fourth week after Easter, in which Jesus the Master is celebrated, and deliberately recalls the icon of Pentecost in which apostles, gathered in prayer, receive the Holy Spirit.

Chiara Dal Corso
NP March 2023

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