Hope is not optimism - Generating living places
Publish date 27-12-2022
Hope is not optimism
Notes of Confidence for Bewildered Christians
by Adrien Candiard
Emi, 2022
Those by Adrien Candiard are books that have the gift of clarity. And this book, short as it is revolutionary, teaches us a different perspective: the Christian has eternity as his horizon, which begins "here and now" in our most normal occupations.
In the West, the era in which the Christian faith seemed something acquired and believing could constitute an established fact has passed. Candiard begins here, offering the image of the acrobat who turns his gaze upside down to observe the world according to another logic to define the believer and to speak of hope. Because it is here that God calls the believer to become an acrobat, or to look at the world and its days with the eyes of faith. Thus practicing true hope, at the school of the prophet Jeremiah, a master in scrutinizing the present good beyond all desolation.
Generating places of life
New forms of living
by Johnny Dotti and Chiara Nogarotto
Pauline, 2022
The housing logic that has developed in recent decades has favored solitude and isolation, fueling individualism. This tendency to distance ourselves, to shut us up, to exclude the stranger, has been made even more evident with the pandemic, which has forced us into a more marked detachment, thus showing us the insecurity of our isolated lives. Now we need the possibility of redemption, of an alternative: new forms of living, based on relationships, which consider the other as an integral part of existence. It is a question of rediscovering the beauty of many experiences that have grown over time, such as monasteries, villages, houses on the railings, farmhouses, and of rethinking them in modernity in an unprecedented way, on the one hand moving away from the exasperation of the individualistic ego, but also of an absolutizing shared life.
Aurora Antonucci
NP October 2022