Healthy food, health portrait

Publish date 29-01-2023

by Carlo Degiacomi

Agriculture, livestock and some product transformation chains are both the cause of climate change (for about 1/3 of the emissions) and the victim, because they suffer the effects of climate change today. Carlin Petrini of Slow Food wrote that: «Eating is an innate gesture for us to live, but it is also a collective act influenced by cultural, social, economic and ecological variables that count in the quantity and quality of the food that arrives on our tables».

From chronic and serious diseases to unhealthy diets; from food security for fraud to the choices of agricultural techniques that reduce fertile soil; from habits and constraints (such as inflation and costs) that lead us to cook little, to accessible products, but often of poor quality. However, there are also interesting and positive aspects: the ever more precise information inserted in the labels and the greater control against fraud. Then there are the commitments of large-scale distribution, such as the protection of the basic ingredients of the diet both in terms of cost and quality; the interesting development of the biological with the related controls. Even families are doing something interesting: greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet; progressive reduction of red meat in favor of fruit and vegetables. I report here some current data that suggest to investigate some of these transformations. On food-related fraud (Fraud Repression Inspectorate data - an important topic in our country also for food arriving from abroad - 2021 data). There are about 60,000 checks on products: 90% on food products, 10% on feed, fertilizers, seeds, 11.6% of the irregularities found. 955 interventions outside the borders for Made in Italy counterfeiting; 55 million kg of goods seized. Food products subject to fraud: flour, pasta, bread, seed oil for extra olive oil, margarine for butter, common cheese for Parmesan, sale of fish other than that declared.

Since 2006, the EU has prohibited the use of antibiotics in livestock for non-therapeutic purposes (e.g. as growth promoters in feed). The use of medicine can only take place under the supervision of veterinarians. Careful management of rearing conditions such as housekeeping, feed and vaccination programs would reduce the need for antibiotics. But still today about 70% of the antibiotics sold in Italy are intended for animals.

The recent law of 7 April 2022 can help both consumers to have guaranteed organic products and producers who want to expand organic crops, using the funds raised from the sale of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Due to the greater annual controls (between 5,500-7,500 per year) carried out by more prepared agents, today the average irregularities are 10/12%. If the company is in good standing for three years, the checks become every two years. There are approximately 1,125,000 farms in Italy (2021 data) with 940,000 employees (main crops: cereals and other arable crops, vegetables, vines, olive trees, fruit trees; main farms: dairy cattle and poultry). Of these, organic companies are around 89,000 (6.1%). In 2018 there were 61,000. With a growth of over 14% of the cultivated area, 2.3 million hectares. 75% of producers, preparers and importers have organic certifications. Organic purchases account for approximately 3.9% of total food purchases.

According to Crea data (Council for agricultural research and analysis of the agricultural economy) from 2017 and Coldiretti (annual data from 2019 to 2021), each inhabitant wastes an average of 30 to 67 kg. Food waste is around 78% domestic and 22% in the food supply chains, of which 5.6% in the field, 7.0% industry, 8.6% distribution.

Total expenditure on food by main items: 10.5% vegetables; 9% fruit, 13.5% cereals (data from Ismea - Institute of Services for the Agricultural Food Market - 2019/2020). 77% of the population over 6 eats a portion of fruit or vegetables a day, with a greater diffusion of fruit than vegetables. The WHO dietary guidelines recommend at least 400 g of vegetables per day (4 portions). Only 19% of the population consumes this amount of fruit and vegetables every day, of which 23% over 5 years, 12/13% between 3 and 19 years.

From the EU regulation also in Italy in force from 31 December 2021 introduces new features for food labels. The label of origin concerns (beyond what has already been mandatory for years) also products derived from tomatoes, rice, wheat for durum wheat semolina. For olive oil in particular there is also the obligation to refer to the acidity and other analytical data on the label. However, some of these indications have not yet been complied with.

It concerns an attempt of good practice to reduce the abuse of mineral water in plastic bottles. In Italy there are approximately over 2,000 kiosks for the distribution of sparkling or still water from the aqueduct: controlled, safe and quality water, also if desired chilled. How many plastic bottles do they "remove" a day? Average calculation: if the average supply were 2,500 liters per day, the savings would be around 1,700 1.5-litre plastic bottles for each kiosk. In total, a saving of 3.4 million bottles can be assumed. Let's not forget that 8 billion 1.5 liter bottles of mineral water are consumed! 82% of the total water consumed has plastic packaging which produces 280,000 tons of PET waste. I won't comment on the data due to the space available, but you can do it alone or together, get informed, even having fun, in the interactive and multimedia exhibition (of the Experimenta type) Nel nostro plate which was held at the Polo del '900 from 8 November to 18 December 2022. It is for all ages: schools of all levels during the week, and for individuals and families on Saturdays and Sundays. It's so good for adults too!

Carlo Degiacomi
NP November 2022

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