Global DNA
Publish date 31-05-2024
In the acronym of Sermig the term “missionary” combines various aspects. One is the culture of globality, considering everyone with the same dignity in person. A master like Giorgio Ceragioli has guided us to mature this aspect both culturally and through looking at the world and its interdependence, which implies actions of peace and development. There is no peace without development reminds us of Saint Paul VI (Populorum Progressio n. 76). The problem of development «is not reduced to simple economic growth. To be authentic development, it must be integral, which means aimed at the promotion of every man and the whole man." (P.P. n. 14). Hence Ernesto's peacekeeping missions in Lebanon, Rwanda, Somalia, Iraq, Jordan; the Life to children initiative, to promote and support them, especially street children; the establishment of the cis (International Cooperative for Development) at the end of 1987, which allowed Sermig to be present in many parts of the world. Already Since 1988, CIS nuclei have been born in Brazil (Assindes is the name in Brazilian): cities and countryside, street children and small farmers, urban unemployment and uncultivated large estates is the scope of action to allow dignity of life. As Dom Luciano recalls, in Bahia there are nine dioceses united in various projects carried out in favor of farmers, the landless and abandoned children. In Sao Paulo, the initiative includes the construction of public housing which has provided a roof to poor families, the creation of homes for children suffering from AIDS, in the suburbs and “shortços”. In Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Mariana, work is aimed particularly at street children, with the opening of reception centers and temporary residences, job placement and assistance for the physically handicapped. And again Dom Luciano: «In Brasilittle by little we realized the peculiarity of the help of the CIS: instead of bringing us only economic and material resources, it sent us a formula, that is, he made us understand that yes, for the moment, he was giving us material help, but that then it was up to us to do something for ourselves and for the other poor people of the world."
It is significant that the financing of projects had as its horizon the formula 1/3 paid by the CIS, 1/3 paid by the beneficiaries, 1/3 entity public or private involved by the project's authors. &` the flow of participation and solidarity was noted among the people involved in the projects. A simple example. When the flood also affected Turin in 2000, there was immediately It was an economic collaboration aimed at Sermig.
Finally, we could remember the invitation of Dom Hélder Camara, a guard rail that allows us not to skid and fall: "Whatever your life condition, think of yourself and your loved ones, but Don't let yourself be imprisoned in the narrow circle of your little family. Once and for all adopt the human family! Be careful not to feel like a stranger anywhere in the world. Be a man among others. No problem of any people is indifferent to you. It vibrates with the joys and hopes of every human group. Make your own the sufferings and humiliations of your brothers in humanity; live on a global or, better yet, universal scale. Erase the words from your vocabulary: enemies, aunt, hatred, resentment, rancor... In your thoughts, in your desires and in your actions, strive to be truly magnanimous towards everyone.
By the Editorial Staff
NP April 2024