End of sentence now

Publish date 25-05-2024

by Simona Carrera

After the great success of the previous seasons, the story of a special friendship that arises from the thirty-year correspondence between a life prisoner and the judge who sentenced him is back on stage. Director Simone Schinocca in Fine Pena Ora, a theatrical adaptation of the book by Elvio Fassone, former magistrate and member of the CSM, invites the public to reflect on the complexity of human relationships, even the most problematic ones. The story tells us about two worlds, two completely different lives - apparently irreconcilable - which, letter after letter, find a point of union. The human is placed at the center, with its limits, its contradictions, with its desire to recreate a zero point. A moving work, which asks us how it is possible to reconcile the application for social security and life imprisonment with the constitutional dictate of the rehabilitative value of every sentence. On stage Salvatore D'Onofrio together with Giuseppe Nitti and Costanza Maria Frola. The show will be at the Elfo Puccini Theater in Milan from 2 to 7 April 2024, then at the Nest in Naples on 20 and 21 April, at the Gobetti Theater from 14 to 19 May 2024.

Simona Carrera
NP April 2024

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