Drones guys

Publish date 25-09-2021

by Carlo Degiacomi

The environment at school with the "drone" mode.
An investigation explains how the novelty of environmental education included among the subjects in the field of Civic Education went in Italian high schools this year.
Pretty bad. It is said to be the fault of Covid. It was impossible. 1 in 3 of the interviewees did not even know about the insertion; 4 out of 6 declare that they have not encountered environmental issues either inside or outside (edited by Portale Skuola published in Green and Blue - by La Repubblica). Other than the school as fundamental for the education to the ecological transition!
However, I try to explain that the negative aspect does not lie in these terms anyway.

The environment must be seen as… As an important topic for discovering the method for dealing with complex problems.
As major topical issues near and far. As a mix of scientific and humanistic culture. As a fundamental part of the culture adapted to the challenges we face. As a permanent point of view to understand the world and the territory that surround us. As a time to combine words and actions in practical behavior.
As a response to a widespread sensitivity towards nature that can turn into life choices, in a critical spirit, in search of solutions. All of this cannot be compressed through a little "environment" inserted in a few hours every now and then.

All subjects must discover the environment. To regenerate the school, one could optimistically think that the themes of environmental sustainability could be the main themes that give energy. The intelligent use of digital, teamwork, games, technologies. A balance to be found quickly between direct teaching and the work of exploration and research that can also be done online if it is set up as "learning by reasoning".
The school has the role of deepening and not stopping at the often preponderant superficiality in the media (all) and in social networks. It must intrigue students to go beyond slogans, messages that are too simplified. We need to look for skills, experts, different points of view of various subjects operating in various fields and in the territory that with new technologies can now enter school with much more ease and "help" teachers.

How can we call this mode of comparison, of study, of setting up?
I suggest drone mode for school and for individuals. To be a drone pilot I have to be confident and be prepared to avoid accidents. I am only so if I do many tests, which in turn provide me with many possibilities at the same time to choose points of view. For example: general, wide, from above, at speed, fixed, approaching, moving away, turning it backwards, looking forward. And then by taking pictures or filming. And then check what I have collected, review it, judge it, mount it and cut it to transmit my discoveries and feelings to others, spread them, ask for help at every stage to those who are more experienced, be free but permeable to the experience of others, teach the basics or the precautions to those who ask for them ...

Damn then yes I can express myself, be alive, get passionate ... perhaps just what society asks of the individual and of the school. It is quite different from reading in a hurry a note with a word about the environment written on it just before the bell rings and leaving it on the counter.

Carlo Degiacomi
NP May 2021

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