Daily bread
Publish date 07-10-2020
Caritas-Focsiv campaign. An alliance for the sake of the least, even more affected by the pandemic.
An endless drama that "needs to be faced with the logic of hospitality and sharing".
These words of Pope Francis were addressed, during the historic visit to the island of Lampedusa on July 8, 2013, to the many victims of the shipwrecks, but also to the poor and excluded.
They are the most affected today by the consequences of the pandemic, which has caused an increase in inequalities and a drastic decrease in the resources essential for survival. 55% of people in the world today live without any social protection. They have lost fundamental human rights such as those of access to food, health, decent work, and find themselves deprived of any kind of protection and even more vulnerable. This is the case in Latin America, India, some Asian countries in the Middle East, the Balkans and Eastern Europe, while Africa, unfortunately, could soon reconfirm the sad primacy of despair.
A real humanitarian catastrophe on a global scale, a pandemic of hunger and poverty, as indicated by the WFP - Word Food Program, which will take away basic human rights from more than a billion people, bringing the world back over a hundred years. Caritas Italiana and FOCSIV in this emergency have joined forces in an alliance "for the sake of the least", not to forget those who are left behind, because without an overview there will be no future for anyone. An opportunity for commitment and mobilization for everyone, first of all to raise awareness among Christian communities and all public opinion to prepare everyone's tomorrow together, without discarding anyone, reflecting and engaging on the issues of hunger, poverty, work, education, inequalities also based on the insights that will be proposed monthly on the site Insiemepergliultimi.it.
A Campaign aimed at soliciting a concrete gesture to support interventions in the various areas of the world of Caritas and FOCSIV members (62 interventions in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Central America, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Balkans) so that can bring about a simple action: Share the bread. Multiply hope. A campaign that makes use of the partnership of AgenSIR, DIRE Agency, L'Osservatore Romano, Avvenire, Famiglia Cristiana, FISC - Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies, TV2000, Radio InBlu, Vatican Radio, Vatican News and Banca Etica as financial partner.
Gianfranco Cattai
NP august - september 2020