Color evil

Publish date 05-06-2021

by Cesare Falletti

We do not live easy times, and perhaps there never have been, but it is quite useless to sigh, complain and dream of another life. We can hope that the situation will improve and we must work so that, each with his possibilities, undertakes to improve it, but the greatness of man consists in knowing how to "stay inside" situations and create life even where there seems to be nothing but death, as in the most difficult circumstances that can affect our existence. I would like to say "color them", without wanting to believe that everything is beautiful, everything can be made easy. To achieve this, it is necessary to always look at everything with a positive gaze, knowing that God created everything from nothing and in particular man with a little earth, making it a masterpiece.
Life presents itself every day in a different way and takes us through wide and shaded plains or deep gorges where only faith can say with the psalmist: "If you are with me I fear no evil". So to despise or despair of the life that presents itself to us is bad. Camus, the famous French writer, Nobel laureate, who lived in the last century in the midst of bloody wars and struggling with a serious illness, wrote: "If there is a sin against life, it is not so much to despair of it, as to hope for it. other », that is to flee from reality, yet characterized for him by the absurd, to take refuge in illusion. Which in the end causes a brutal collision with life as it is. Indeed, Camus himself adds: "... and to run away from the implacable greatness of this"; with this grandiose expression he makes us understand the dramatic dimension of life, but also its greatness. By not living the passing of the days and therefore not marking them with the genius that is proper to us, we lose our existence, leaving it to crumble into a pile of nothing.
Even if what comes towards us has something implacable, because most of the time we cannot do anything about it, except to live it with full awareness and lighting a small light in the dark, it must not be despised, but discovered; that is, it is urgent, and also beautiful, to discover that it brings a richness that we had not foreseen or planned, but which can nourish our life. Camus speaks of "implacable greatness".
The Coué psychological method, touted in the first half of the last century, which pushes to cause an improvement in the situation by striving, perhaps with a continuous repetition of a sentence, to have positive ideas, is perhaps not as miraculous as they tried to make it appear, but it has at least the advantage of placing the person with a dynamic and positive attitude in the face of misfortune. Camus speaks of "running away" from reality, and there is sin. The real is received and transformed, as far as it may be possible for each one, into good, for oneself and for others; to refuse it and to hide in some way means to refuse the way by which the Lord leads us to the goal which is joyful communion with the Risen One, who through death handed over creation to the Father and placed it in the communion of the Trinity.
From the child who needs his mother to be reassured, to the old man who acquires wisdom through the exercise of patience, during the life of a man there is a great range of possible reactions to the life that is to come, with many events not you invite and do not like. But man's growth cannot take place if he does not accept them, if he does not look them in the face and - generally helped by others and above all by the Other - by facing them he does not transform them into places of love. Otherwise he cannot emerge from adolescence, a splendid age in which everything is transformed and everything opens up to life, but which is only a time of transition.
Cesare Falletti
Pure Heart - NP February 2021

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